Pope Idol and the art of chimney spotting
With the Cardinals failing to elect a new pope in their first vote in a historic papal conclave, chimney watching/spotting has now become the most eagerly pursued leaisure activity of 2005. Word is out that the Cardinals are preparing for two more tries in a quest to elect a new leader for the Roman Catholic Church.
Following the confusion yesterday when black smoke pouring from the chimney atop the Sistene Chapel looked light enough to be regarded as white, the Vatican has released the following guide to assist watchers around the world in interpreting the smoke signals.
Smoke - black or white - will be expected around noon to confirm the outcome following the first of two rounds of voting.
This just in:
Fox TV, in conjunction with the CBC, BBC, and a dozen other television networks in Christian countries around the globe, issued a press release today stating that the new Pope would be selected on live TV. Tentatively titled 'Pope Idol'—or possibly 'Last Pontiff Standing,' filming began when the Conclave of 117 Cardinals met earlier this week.
Remember to vote often to keep your favorite cardinal in the running.